Westcoast Women in Engineering, Science and Technology
Westcoast Women in Engineering, Science and Technology

Inclusion, Collaboration & Innovation

I’ve been fortunate to be working with WWEST for four years now. I was forwarded an email from my Principal in 2020 about this opportunity and it has been an excellent opportunity for growth for myself and my students.

The WWEST come into my classroom and help my students create STEM Projects. We’ve done: Circuit Boards, MakeyMakey, structural builds, parachute creations, Minecraft EDU, Tinkercad, 3-D Printing, and more.

The biggest takeaway I have from this collaboration is that students get excited about novelty and building things with their hands. They don’t need as much direction as I always want to give; sometimes students can just explore something.

From my students, I saw engagement and excitement at this opportunity to create and learn new technologies.